Hi! I’m Trish.

I help business owners become more productive and profitable without compromising their peace.

Take The Quiz
Are You Charging Enough (or Too Much) for Your Services?

Are you playing a guessing game with your pricing? You could be leaving money on the table. Answer a few key questions and find out if you need to STOP playing games with your pricing and start making more money.

You deserve to feel like you and your business are thriving, not just surviving.


Get More Clients (You Love)

The most comprehensive program for attracting, validating, vetting, and closing the kinds of clients who will help you grow your business without turning yourself into stress pretzels.

It is the only implementation program of its kind that not only teaches you how to shift your mindset, identify perfect fit clients, and how to be irresistible to them but also how this shift in perspective informs how you manage all of your business relationships (and maybe some personal ones too). Your business is you and you deserve better.

Next Cohort Starts Mid-November 2023

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